Habille d'eau_Euforia_1200x800

Saturday, 17th September | 20.30


Habillé d’eau


first section

ideation and directed Silvia Rampelli
dance Alessandra Cristiani, Eleonora ChiocchiniValerio Sirna
light Gianni Staropoli
music Tiago Felicetti, Charlie Pitts
production Habillé d’eau 2016
with the support of  Short Theatre, Angelo Mai


I would like to remove the words from the fact.
The fact is the body, absolute construct, barricaded himself in matter, matter,
self-evident, questioner,
in the absence of knowledge or intention of waking, poster,
appearance, simulacrum.
For several years seeking a logical and existential passage that urges the experience and philosophical reflection across a chance. The theme of circumstantial situation, being thrown, the fall in time, is a rudimentary parallel in theatrical device, artifice aimed to recreate – through exposure to bomb the World – the open condition, the foundation of every hearing.
The project involves a progressive articulation. It requires the presentation of a first section unfinished at the festival Short Theatre in Rome, in September 2016, and the Chrysalis festival of Forlì, in October 2016. Subsequent sections will develop the necessary research on light, on the action, on the format.
original sound. Three figures. Assumptions. That stimulated the senses take a picture at the time.

Silvia Rampelli



Since 1990 Silvia Rampelli – BA in philosophy – deepens her experience of the performative presence, prompting reflection on the human figure as an aesthetic-cognitive object. Refounded in 2002 Habillé d’eau in Italy – after the previous experience with Masaki Iwana and Yoko Muronoi in France – to undertake autonomously research about the nature of the act. Italian project to adhere Alessandra Cristiani, Andreana Notaro, Francesca Proia, Elisabetta di Terlizzi, Eleonora Chiocchini. With stable collaboration of Gianni Staropoli to lights, d’eau Habillé produces:
2002 Studio per Attis, “Enzimi Danza 2002 for creative rigor and originality”;
Refettorio in 2003, “Generazione Scenario 2003″, “Award for the specificity and originality of language and body techniques” in the 2004 edition of the International Teatarfest Sarajevo, winner “Movin’Up 2004”, the Association for Support the Circuit of Young Italian Artists;
Ragazzocane in 2005, creating for La Biennale di Venezia 37 – International Theatre Festival, the direction of Romeo Castellucci.
In 2006-07 Habillé d’eau opens the survey on time with short-term explorations: Studio sulla percezione di un segmento temporale discrezionalmente definitoBeate, that anticipated  Stato Secondo, winner of the production announcement of Pontedera Theatre “4 Cantieri per Fabbrica Europa 2008 “and actions for non-theatrical spaces Room – Contemporary Festival, Prato 07 e Ordinale  – Nature Gods Theatres, Parma 08. of the 2010 Hygiene, mise en espace for Nature Gods Theatres, Parma 10.
Since 2008 Habillé d’eau moves away from the stage production.
critical essays have been published in: Scene Remains, materials over the spectacle of Paolo Ruffini, Intercultural Issues, Roma 2004. Pompei, the novel ash. Catalogue La Biennale di Venezia 37. International Theatre Festival. Ubulibri, Milano 2005. Santarcangelo_06 Scritti sulla contemporaneità, collection of texts by Paolo Ruffini, published by Fandango, Rome 2006. Hic sunt leones, by Graziano Graziani, Publishing and Entertainment, Rome 2007. Bodies and visions. Clues about contemporary theater, curated by Antonio Audino, Artemide, Rome, 2008, Free Zone Theater, edited by Graziano Graziani, Publishing and Entertainment, Rome, 2010.
Habillé d’eau is a cultural, not receiving funding.

Giorno e Ora:17th SEPTEMBER | h.20.30
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